The Complete Deerfield Beach Building Inspections Checklist
The Deerfield Beach Building Safety Inspection program is a new inspection program that is replacing the previous 40-year inspection. The Deerfield Beach 40-year inspection was already very comprehensive so the only new changes you will have to consider are the date of your first inspection as well as the new inspection that was introduced. The new inspection program is required when your building reaches 25 years old but has the same requirements as a structural and electrical inspection.
In this article, we will go over all of the new changes to the Deerfield Beach inspection process and what it entails. Along with that, we will also let you know what the Structural Integrity Reserve Study is, what to do once you pass the inspection, how to proceed if you already completed the 40-year inspection, and any additional information so that you can learn more about the inspection process and requirements.
We have also listed the Deerfield Beach Building Department contact information below for your convenience if you have any specific questions that were not answered in this article. You can always reach out to us if you are confused about the requirements or would like us to get started on your inspection. You can click the button below to get a quick quote for your next building inspection in Deerfield Beach.

Why did The Deerfield Beach Building recertification program change?
The main reason behind the new condominium inspection laws was the Surfside condominium collapse in June 2021. This unfortunate event prompted the senate to create more stringent requirements as well as implement the Milestone inspection program state-wide. Many people lost their lives during the event and the Senate quickly acted introducing Senate Bill 4-D. These new changes will ensure that building owners are keeping up with routine maintenance and repairs.
Although the new state-wide Milestone Inspection program will affect many counties that did not have a building inspection program in place Deerfield Beach was already following the guidelines set forth by Broward County’s 40-year inspection program. The 40-year inspection program already covered many of the requirements so the major change was the date of your first inspection as well as the introduction of the Structural Integrity Reserve Study.
What if I already completed The Deerfield Beach 40 year recertification?
If you own or manage a building that is over 40 years old then there is a high probability that you have already completed the Deerfield Beach 40-year inspection. The new building safety inspection is similar in its requirements so you can continue doing the subsequent inspections every 10 years. One new additional requirement that was introduced with Senate Bill 4-D is the structural integrity reserve study.
The Deerfield Beach SIRS study is an additional inspection that is required and must also be completed by a qualified building inspector such as a Florida-licensed engineer or architect. The SIRS study is a visual inspection of your building’s current condition. The building inspector will then provide you with an estimated cost of maintaining and repairing your building.
What is inspected during the Deerfield Beach Building inspection?
The Deerfield Beach Building Safety Inspection examines two crucial elements of your building. It is composed of a structural inspection and an electrical inspection. Each is crucial to the safety of your residents and the surrounding neighborhood. As we learned with the Champlain Towers neglecting the structural elements of a building can have detrimental effects on the building, the people living in the building, and the surrounding neighborhood. The structural inspection process looks at key elements of your building including columns, load-bearing walls, foundation, and any concrete, wood, or metal framing.
The second portion is the electrical inspection. The electrical portion of the Building Safety Inspection focuses on your building’s electrical system and ensures it is in working order. Some of the areas the building inspector will examine on your building’s electrical system include the electrical panels, air conditioning units, as well as any electrical conduits that are exposed. The building inspector will look at your electrical panels, junction boxes, and conduits and check if there is corrosion or any open spaces from knockouts that were not used.
Deerfield Beach building department inspections can be complicated but we are experts and have completed thousands of inspections. Our team of structural engineers is standing by to help you complete your next inspection.
How do I know if I need a recertification for my building in Deerfield Beach?
If you wondering whether your building in Deerfield Beach requires a Building Safety Inspection we will go over that in this section. If you own or manage a building that is at least 3,500 square feet and has 3 stories or more then you are required to complete the Deerfield Beach Safety Inspection as well as the Deerfield Beach SIRS Study.
Whether your building in Deerfield Beach is near the coast or not you will have to complete your first inspection when it reaches 25 years of age. After your first inspection or if you have already completed a 40-year inspection in the past then you will need to complete the Building Safety Inspection every 10 years.
What buildings in Deerfield Beach are exempt from the Building Safety inspection program?
Some buildings in Deerfield Beach are not required to complete the Building Safety Inspection such as U.S. government buildings, state of Florida buildings, Indian reservations, school buildings under the county school board, one or two-family story buildings, fee-simple townhouses, and any structures that are under 3500 sq ft.
How to submit your inspection Report to the Deerfield Beach Building Department?
Once the building inspector has provided you with a signed and sealed report you can then submit the inspection report to the Deerfield Beach Building Department. The best way to submit the report is in person at the Deerfield Beach building department location. Deerfield Beach requires you to submit the inspection report in person at the building department located at 150 N.E. 2nd Ave. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441.
You can also send it in by mail to the building department address just make sure to add ATTENTION BUILDING DEPARTMENT somewhere in the letter to ensure the Deerfield Beach building department receives the letter.
Final thoughts on the Deerfield beach Building inspections program
If your building in Deerfield Beach reaches the 25-year mark and stands at three stories or higher, it is required to undergo a Building Safety Inspection. This inspection is part of Deerfield Beach’s public safety program to ensure that buildings are safe for residents and the surrounding areas. The new inspection program not only meets but also surpasses the new requirements outlined in Senate Bill 4-D’s milestone inspection.
It is important to keep your contact information up to date since the Deerfield Beach building department will be sending you a letter when your building inspection is nearing the time for the building safety inspection. However, even if you do not receive the letter it is your responsibility to follow up and get your inspection completed within the required time frame.
Failure to complete the Deerfield Beach building recertification could lead to penalties starting from $500 a day. Even worse the Deerfield Beach building department can deem your building unsafe and you will have to vacate all of the tenants. This is why the building inspection is crucial and you should make sure to get it done properly by a qualified building inspector in Deerfield Beach.
Remember that if the building inspector finds issues in your building it is not something to worry about. Even if your report includes problems with your building the Deerfield Beach building department will grant you an extension after you have submitted the report. The extension will allow you more time to pull permits and address the issues found in the report.
Overall the new changes to the Deerfield Beach Building inspection program are very similar to the previous 40-year inspection program. The 40-year inspection program and the new Building Safety Inspection and SIRS Study were all created to provide a safe environment for all residents of Deerfield Beach. We would be happy to serve as your Deerfield Beach building inspector and have the qualifications and experience to get it done right.