Concrete Stair Repair

What is concrete stair repair?
Concrete Stair Repair is the process of repairing a concrete staircase which is showing signs of damaged. Staircases are high traffic areas which take a great deal abuse from everyday use. They can also be damaged from objects hitting it or not being constructed properly.
What Types of concrete Stairs do you repair?
We can repair all types of concrete stairs including Winder Stairs, Helical stairs, Cantilever Step Stairs, Spiral Stairs, and Slabless Stairs. Although some buildings use metal stairs most buildings in South Florida use concrete stairs. We can repair most types of concrete stairs but if you have one in mind that we did not mention you can always call us and we can let you know if we repair those types of stairs.
Why is concrete stair repair important?
Concrete stairs are a very important element of a building. Not only to get up and down the building but they also serve as an exit should the elevators malfunction. Elevators have a lot of moving parts and can fail so having a safe and easy to use stair case in case of emergency is not only important but a requirement.
If your staircase is showing cracks or other signs of damage it is important to get them repaired right away in order to keep everyone in the building safe. It also prevents building owners from getting sued by residents should an accident happen. Getting repairs done on concrete stairs as soon as possible will ensure that your concrete stairs do not become a hazard for residents living in the building.
Why do Concrete stairs fail?
Concrete stairs can fail for many of the same reasons any concrete structure would fail. Improper use of materials, not allowing the concrete to properly cure, and not using the correct mixture of concrete, are all reasons why your concrete staircase might fail. If you have exterior concrete stairs they can be more susceptible to exterior weather conditions as well as heavy use. This holds especially true for buildings that do not have an elevator system and the staircase is used as the primary method of going up or down floors.
As soon as your concrete steps have cracks or spalling you will see it start to deteriorate rapidly especially if it is a staircase that is exposed to the elements. This is crucial for buildings near the water since the salt ions that are in the air will quickly penetrate any crack and start to compromise the structural components of the staircase.
Do i need engineering plans for a concrete stair repair
Yes, because staircases are a crucial component of a building to repair a concrete staircase you will need to have engineering plans made before starting the repairs. When an engineer creates concrete repair plans for a staircase they will calculate the design and dimensions of the staircase, the materials to use, and instructions that the contractor should follow when performing these repairs. All of South Florida’s building departments including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach will require you to pull a permit before proceeding with your staircase repair. To get the permit you will need to have engineering plans made.
Why hire us for your Concrete stair repair?
Since we specialize in concrete repairs we have performed all types of concrete repairs in South Florida. From large scale concrete repairs to smaller jobs we have the team of concrete repair contractors to get the job done right the first time. With over 30 years of experience in concrete repairs we can not only handle the repairs but we can also create the engineering plans required to start the repairs. If your staircase is damaged we can design the plans, pull the permit, and carry out the repairs so that they will last.