Structural engineering plans are crucial to starting any structural repairs. They provide instructions to contractors on the specifications and materials required to build or repair a structure. These plans are required any time you are repairing a structural component of your building. In fact most building departments in South Florida will require these plans in order for you to get a permit.

Structural Engineering plans provide details on the design, layout, materials, and installation of any structural components within a building. This can include repairs such as wall repairs, staircase repairs, and column repairs. Any time you want to alter or repair a structural component of a building you are required to get these plans made. These structural plans are required in order to pull a permit for any construction or repair project in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach.
These structural plans ensure the repairs are carried out according to the latest building codes and provide instructions that a contractor can follow to make sure the job get’s done properly, and is in compliance with local building codes and regulations.
Do i need Structural Plans?
Yes, most building departments in South Florida will require you to have signed and sealed plans from an engineer in order to get a permit. These plans provide specific instructions for the contractor handling your repairs to follow. They also hold the contractor accountable if there is an issue where they did not follow the guidelines set in the structural plans.
What are the benefits of Structural plans?
As stated previously having a good set of structural plans will give the contractors specific instructions on the dimensions of the structure you want repaired. If you plan on getting your project done right planning is key structural plans are the first thing you should have drafted. It also allows you to send out these plans to different contractors to get an accurate comparison. By sending a contractor the specifications you want you can have an apples-to-apples comparison.
Can i pull a permit in South Florida without Structural plans?
No, in all of South Florida including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach you need to submit signed and sealed structural plans by a licensed Florida engineer or architect before you recieve permit from the local building department. This gives the contractor who is handling your building repair a detailed scope of work and holds them liable if the repairs or additions are not carried out according to the structural plans.
Yes, we not only offer structural engineering plans but can also provide you with a full set of construction engineering plans. We mainly provide engineering plans for large projects such as building repairs or building safety inspections. Whether your construction projects are in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach, we can draft a detailed set of structural plans for your contractor to follow.