Mastering Miami Beach Building Inspections: Expert Tips and Tricks
The Miami Beach Inspection program also known as the Miami Beach Building Safety Inspection program is a type of inspection that must be completed after a building reaches a certain age. This can be after 25 years or 30 years depending on how far you are from the coast.
Most of Miami Beach is near the coast so chances are you will need to complete this inspection after 25 years. The recertification program ensures that several components including the structural and electrical systems of your building are safe for use. Our Building Inspectors are happy to help you complete your Building Safety Inspection. We have completed thousands of inspections across South Florida and would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

1700 Convention Ctr Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Why is there a Building Safety Inspection program in Miami Beach?
Although there were new Building Inspection laws put in place by Florida after the collapse in Surfside, Florida, South Florida has always had a building safety inspection program in place. These programs ensure that the critical infrastructure of a building is safe and suitable for use. These programs help save lives by holding building owners accountable and making sure the necessary repairs are not overlooked if they are needed.
Any Building located in Miami Beach that is 3 stories or more is required to complete a Building safety inspection also known as a Building recertification or 40 year inspection. The 40 year inspection program was originally designed in 2005 and continues to be a mandated law that Miami Beach Building Owners must abide by.
Typically, if your building is required to complete one of these inspection then you will receive a notice from the Miami Beach building department letting you know your inspection is due. However, if you did not recieve the letter you are still required to complete the inspection. The best way to be sure is to call the Miami Beach building department and verify.
What buildingS in Miami Beach are not require to complete a Building Safety Inspection?
The only buildings in Miami Beach that are exempt from the building safety inspection program are the following:
- Schools under the jurisdiction of Broward County School Board
- 1 to 2-story family dwellings
- Government buildings
- State of Florida buildings
- Buildings built on indigenous tribe reservations
- Buildings under 3500 square feet
Who can perform the Miami Beach Building Safety Inspection program?
Only a certified professional engineer or architect can conduct perform a Milestone Inspection or Building Safety Inspection program. Our engineers can provide you with a detailed analysis throughout the inspection. They are well versed in current Miami Beach Building department regulations.
A professional engineer will look to verify the structural, electrical systems, as well as conduct a parking lot illumination and guardrail inspection. For the structure portion of the inspection, the engineer will verify the foundation, roofs, masonry bearing walls, flooring and roof systems, steel and concrete framing systems, and windows and doors are all in a safe condition.
For the electrical inspection, they will verify that all of the electrical components of your building are safe and will not cause harm to the inhabitants of a building.
What are the phases of the MIlestone Inspection
There are two phases to the Milestone inspection. In Phase One the engineer will conduct a quick visual inspection of the buildings and decide whether you have any damages that need to be further inspected. If no damage is found in Phase One you will not need to proceed to the second phase.
If the engineer finds any issues during the Phase One inspection then you will need to move on to Phase Two of the Milestone Inspection. Phase two of the inspection is a more comprehensive analysis which may include removing additional material aka destructive testing. Whether the engineer removes any concrete from the damaged are is ultimately up to the actual engineer doing the inspection.
What to do once you complete your Miami Beach building inspection?
After you have completed the Miami Beach Milestone Inspection, a comprehensive report we be compiled by the engineer with details regarding the inspector’s findings. Most engineering companies will not submit the completed inspection for you so you will need to sumbit the report yourself in order to avoid any fines from the Miami Beach building department.
What if i already completed the Miami Beach 40 year building inspection?
If you own or manage an older building, chances are you already completed a 40-year inspection on your building in Miami Beach. If that is the case you can proceed with the subsequent inspection schedule every 10 years. However, there is an additional inspection required now called the SIRS Study. Short for Structural Integrity Reserve Study the SIRS is another inspection that analyzes your Buildings condition and calculates an estimated cost to maintain and repair your Building. This program was put in place to ensure that Building Owners, Property Managers, and associations can have the required funds in reserve when the repairs are required.
Last thoughts on the Miami Beach Building Safety Inspection program
If your building is more than three stories or more and is 25-years or older you will be required to complete a milestone inspection. If it is more than 3 miles from the coast then you will have an additional 5 years before being required to complete the inspection.
Most likely the Miami Beach building department will mail you notice, but you should always check with them around this time just to be certain whether or not you need a building inspection done. Not completing the inspection process and recertification in time may cost you fines, legal fees or, in the building department decides your building is unsafe a possible demolition of the structure.